While other kids on my block were building tree forts and roller-skating and strolling their dolls, I was curled up with a book in our junked Mercury sedan. Buying Christmas or birthday gifts for little Marline was dead easy. Forget the days-of-the-week underwear or the Tinkerbell perfume, I’ll take a book, thank you. My wise, bookish mother gave me carte blanch for the Scholastic Books flyer.
My maiden aunt (stereotypically a librarian) understood and always sent books as presents. I once asked her for a Nancy Drew; she recoiled as if confronted with a cobra. Her choices were always educational—all about dogs, flags of the world, the stars, Madame Curie. Aunt Priscilla’s underwear (that sounds a bit odd, but you know what I mean) and Aunt Grace’s groovy crocheted hot pink tunic vest with the pompom ties have long since disappeared or disintegrated. I still have the flags book.
The school library couldn’t slake my voracious appetite. I read through the age-level material and yearned for fatter books, David Copperfield begging for some more, please. When the school year–and daily library access–ended, I was heartsick. The local library was a long way off and Mom, though an avid reader, wasn’t about to do a weekly run.
What’s a bookworm to do?
Enter the bookmobile. Sure, it was parked 6 blocks from my house, but the walk would do me good, said Mom as she blithely waved me out of the house. Not only did this lumbering behemoth carry my favorites, but because it was connected to the county library, there were BOOKS I’D NEVER SEEN. The librarian recognized kin in the bespectacled kid lined up first at the door and reserved special requests for me. Did it matter my favorite author was long dead? Heck, no. I always asked for new books by her. And that dear patient young woman obliged by checking the card catalog. Repeatedly.
Today’s readers live in a Shangri-la of choices. Amazon delivers books (and, if you like, an electric toothbrush, a Jane Austen mug or a leaner pillow, perfect for reading in bed) the next day. Too long a wait? Just order your library books online and start reading the e-version instantly. And I’m grateful, really, for these conveniences.
But, Boomer bookworms, can I get a witness to the sheer joy felt when the genial genie cranked open the folding doors of the bookmobile and ushered you into what felt like Aladdin’s cave?
“There is more treasure in books that in all the pirates’ loot on Treasure Island and best of all, you can enjoy these riches every day of your life.” -Walt Disney
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