A different drummer

Writers! Are you marching according to your divinely appointed Genesis 1 drumbeat? Henry David Thoreau was right.

Bellbottoms vs suits

Indie publishing means never having to say you’re sorry–part of my top 10 1st anniversary learnings.

Late expectations

My “no new books” New Year’s resolution drove me back to my own bookshelf — and Charles Dickens’s Victorian tear-jerkers.

Long story short

What a Hollywood film festival taught me about self-acceptance and why I’m writing for the OTHER 1%.

Top 10 movies with the write stuff

Snuggle in with a great Christmas movie about an author’s life–my top 10 list just might feature your next favorite film!

Rockette rules for rookie writers

There were a few holiday rules at my childhood home. No peeking at presents. No cookies before dinner, especially not frosted ones. And the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade MUST be on TV during the ritualistic preparation of the turkey. My father, the dearest, most naturally comical man on earth, always rose ridiculously early on Thanksgiving morning […]

Lip service

Say what you want about high heels. For me, the defining external hallmark of femininity is the painted lip. Most little girls reach for Mommy’s lipstick as soon as they can toddle. When I spent babysitting money on my first lipstick at 14—a totally inappropriate go-go girl pink–I insisted it made me look like Marlo Thomas. That […]

Third act trousseau

Any good romance movie or book worth its popcorn salt has a wedding right before The End. And romantics like me crave details, dang it, details! I want to see it all–the kneeling proposal, giddy bridal shower, gown shopping, Mendelssohn at the altar–every precious moment. Now, given how ridiculously obsessed with weddings as I am, it […]

Hold my calls, Miss Bradford

I want you to meet my secretary. That’s right. I have a secretary. Sort of. First, work with me here. Picture a classic Hollywood secretary. Got it? If you can only conjure up the bespectacled Plain Jane with too much starch in her unmentionables or the steno pool slacker biding her time until Mr. Wonderful […]

The secret of the yellow box

If you follow my FB page, you know I got the scare of the year the other day when both my local grocery chain AND my go-to drugstore stopped carrying Whitman’s Samplers. That’s right—I’m talking about the legendary yellow box filled with assorted chocolates. Most Boomers will remember Whitman’s showing up under the Christmas tree, […]

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