Third act trousseau
Any good romance movie or book worth its popcorn salt has a wedding right before The End. And romantics like me crave details, dang it, details! I want to see it all–the kneeling proposal, giddy bridal shower, gown shopping, Mendelssohn at the altar–every precious moment. Now, given how ridiculously obsessed with weddings as I am, it […]
Hold my calls, Miss Bradford
I want you to meet my secretary. That’s right. I have a secretary. Sort of. First, work with me here. Picture a classic Hollywood secretary. Got it? If you can only conjure up the bespectacled Plain Jane with too much starch in her unmentionables or the steno pool slacker biding her time until Mr. Wonderful […]
The secret of the yellow box
If you follow my FB page, you know I got the scare of the year the other day when both my local grocery chain AND my go-to drugstore stopped carrying Whitman’s Samplers. That’s right—I’m talking about the legendary yellow box filled with assorted chocolates. Most Boomers will remember Whitman’s showing up under the Christmas tree, […]
The gift of Charlie
“I just passed your house and had to call you,” said the buoyant, still boyish voice of my high school best boy friend. I have to separate those last two words because Charlie and I were really and truly best friends, never sweethearts or steadies. He just happened to be a boy, that’s all. For […]
Living alone and loving it
After the death of my mother’s parents, my Aunt Dorothy, the eldest child of 7, ruled the roost. Aunt Dorothy was a slender, energetic, bookish woman with an unquenchable curiosity and a surprising “who cares what you think?” attitude about her life choices. (Hmmm…. that sounds vaguely familiar.) Anyway, I got to thinking about her […]
Heat index
Nora Roberts’ iconic sizzling bestsellers notwithstanding, the typical Christian romance author usually draws a discreet veil over love’s more physical expressions. Love stories with this sanctified-not-sweaty form of whoopie are known as “closed door” romances (also referred to as “clean” or “sweet”). Kisses in these pleasant, non-threatening tales fall into two main categories: Seriously, this […]
Dining at the Captain’s Table
Each summer of my childhood, my family made a pilgrimage to my mom’s hometown, Clearfield, PA, to visit her sister Dorothy and take in the county fair. And if that sounds like Mayberry in action, you’ve got it pegged. My dad, a master planner and a man who LOVED to drive, made ritual stops along […]
Make mine rare
Now that you’ve visited my Aunt Priscilla and Uncle Barham’s other houses (the suburban split-level with the Better Homes & Gardens-style meals and the Chesapeake Bay cottage where I enjoyed my best naps ever), it’s time for a cookout at their remaining house—a hacienda-type ranch nestled in Maryland’s toney horse country. Put on your Keds […]
Sleeping beauty
Last time, I introduced you to my real estate-wealthy aunt and uncle whose homes included a Chesapeake Bay cottage. That’s my happy place. When gadfly annoyances threaten, I simply mentally retreat to their ramshackle Cobb Island vacation home, on the Maryland side of the Bay. After a morning of wild frolicking in the ubiquitous July […]
The Ghost of Breakfasts Past
My family never turned down a meal invite to my Aunt Priscilla’s house, especially not breakfasts. These were our rich relatives (my uncle was a printing magnate in DC) and they presided over multiple houses— a low-slung ranch in a woodsy part of Maryland, a Chesapeake Bay cottage, and a contemporary split-level within walking distance […]
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